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Adult Orthodontics: What You Need To Know

Saturday , 25, June 2022 Comments Off on Adult Orthodontics: What You Need To Know

This article will explain what adult orthodontics are and give advice on how to care for your teeth. Discover the facts you need to know about braces, the benefits of adult orthodontics, the advantages involved in wearing braces, and more. You can get the reliable adult orthodontics treatment via

Adult orthodontics can be broken down into two categories: fixed and removable. Fixed braces are typically worn for the long term while removable braces are only worn for a specific number of months or until the desired result is achieved. Here is a closer look at each type of adult braces:

Fixed braces are typically made out of metal, plastic, or ceramic and are bonded to your teeth. They can be easy to wear and remove but may require regular adjustments. Fixed braces can be used for cosmetic purposes as well as to correct teeth alignment.

Removable braces are usually made out of plastic and come in a variety of styles (principally invisibility). They are bonded to your teeth but can be removed easily with standard dental tools. The brackets can be replaced as needed, typically every few years. If you want permanent fixed braces, removable braces may not be a good option because the brackets will need to be replaced every time you have them removed for maintenance.

If you’re considering adult orthodontics, it’s important to understand the different types of braces available and decide which one is right for you.