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All About Authentic Mexican Cuisine

Saturday , 8, February 2020 Comments Off on All About Authentic Mexican Cuisine

If you live outside of Mexico or the Southwest United States, you may be wondering "what exactly is authentic Mexican cuisine." Historically, Mexican food is a combination of genuine indigenous foods combined with those of the Spanish colonizers.

When the Spanish arrived in Mexico, they found a native diet consists of dishes made mainly of corn, peppers, and spices and served with beans and tomatoes.

The Spanish add meat and rice and other condiments. They take it a step further by using fruits and vegetables that are native countries. A combination of foods is the foundation of what is now the Mexican cuisine. You can also check out here to get more information about Mexican cuisine.

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Mexican dishes in different dishes in each region. Food depends on the climate and geography of the area as well as ethnic differences. Meat dishes are popular in Northern Mexico while vegetables and chicken are the most common ingredients in the cuisine of southern Mexico.

Along the Gulf of Mexico in Veracruz, there is the influence of the Caribbean and the food is spicier. Each region does have a dish that can be claimed as authentic by the area. There are also a number of dishes and drinks that are common to the entire country.

Authentic Mexican cuisine is rich in vitamins and minerals. Fresh ingredients such as tomatoes, peppers, and onions are important for authentic Mexican dishes.

There are several restaurants in the United States that serve authentic Mexican food, especially in California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, and Florida where there is a concentration of Mexican Americans. When you eat at a Mexican restaurant, you expect to see your plate covered with cheese and sour cream.