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Benefits of Natural Skin Care

Wednesday , 1, April 2020 Comments Off on Benefits of Natural Skin Care

The skin is the largest organ of the body and takes up 15 – 20% of your actual total body weight. It literally holds us together. One of the most amazing qualities of the skin is its elasticity. But, as we grow older it starts to lose its elasticity.

It is vitally important we look after our skin throughout the changes in life to maintain its natural elasticity. You can find vegan skin care at

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Most of the skin care products that are sold in stores contain a variety of chemicals such as propylene glycol, sodium lauryl sulfate and petro-chemistry. The average woman applies more than 200 chemicals on her own in one day and about 60% of these chemicals are absorbed into the bloodstream. What these chemicals do is strip away the natural oils from the skin leaving you more susceptible to damage.

If you are serious about maintaining healthy younger looking skin, try natural skin care. Natural skin care is rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins that soothe, nurture and improve your its appearance. They do not contain harsh chemicals which only dry and irritate the skin. Natural skin care may cost a little more, but the results are worth it. You can get more information about it via various online resources.