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Biodegradable Plastic Bags to Save the Environment

Tuesday , 24, November 2020 Comments Off on Biodegradable Plastic Bags to Save the Environment

Many retailers have taken steps to make their business more environmentally friendly. One of the most popular changes they made was to replace the usual plastic bags with paper bags or biodegradable plastic bags. Factories around the world produce approximately 200 million tonnes of plastic per year, but only a fraction of those millions are recycled.

While plastic bags can be reused, most customers just throw them out after unpacking their purchase. By switching to bags made from biodegradable materials, retailers can help reduce the amount of plastic waste generated each year. Plastic is a synthetic material that does not decompose.

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This means it will remain as clutter in landfills if not recycled. Biodegradable plastic is still a synthetic material, but its chemical composition makes it possible to decompose naturally.  There are two types of biodegradable plastics: plastic and petroleum-based bioplastics. Bioplastics are made from raw materials such as corn or bean flour. Petroleum-based plastic simply contains additional substances that facilitate the decomposition process.

While both types of bags are environment-friendly plastics, many businesses prefer to use bags made from bioplastics. It is easy to find a company supplying biodegradable bags online, but you should be careful when choosing the right supplier for your business.