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Canadian Family Class Immigration – One Way Of Immigrating To Canada

Friday , 10, April 2020 Comments Off on Canadian Family Class Immigration – One Way Of Immigrating To Canada

One way in which your family can join you in Canada as immigrants in family class. With immigration class family, some family members are allowed to immigrate to Canada, on your promise that you will take care of them for a specified period of time.

In the upcoming sections, you will get to know about some important aspects of immigration of family class. It is not legal advice, but merely informative. You can also get more information for the family visa via so as to meet the required things for the visa.

How to Immigrate to Canada from India With Family?

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Who can come to Canada?

The family members who are allowed to visit Canada under the family class immigration program such as your spouse which means husband or wife. Also, the other family members such as your mother, your father, your grandparents, and your children may qualify. 

What do I have to do?

Before your family members can join you in Canada, you must meet certain qualifications. It is important that you must be eighteen years or older and a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada. 

You must also complete a sponsorship undertaking. This is your promise to the Canadian government that you will support the family members you refer to. Depending on the situation, this promise will remain between three and ten years. You and family members you sponsor must also sign an agreement which states that all parties understand their obligations.

In many cases, developers must meet financial minimums. The government has established these financial requirements to ensure that developers have the means to support their families in Canada. An important exception is the financial needs in cases of joint sponsorship, the government does not usually take your financial situation into consideration.