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Construction Projects and Law

Wednesday , 20, May 2020 Comments Off on Construction Projects and Law


Can the law improve construction projects, if yes then how to do? Let's talk about it in brief. 

In quite a few jurisdictions the culture of construction is fragmented and it's defensive and that's because people are always preparing for battle. There's a lack of trust caused by a lack of information and this is just a vicious cycle that only leads to more and more disagreements and disputes. 

For example, if someone goes out to contractors to invite proposal for a new mall let's say if they don't ask the contractor and the subcontractor on what they think about if the designs, then any sort of problem or omission don't come out if they don't give the contractor a chance to explore the site then there maybe falls assumptions as to where the mall is going to be built. If they assume how long it's going to take the contractor, they could be overly optimistic regarding the program. So if they don't get the feedback, the integration of people's proposals and ideas there's a dispute waiting to happen. It may not seem that the law can help with the range of problems just mentioned but one can bring into being new approaches for selecting terms, new approaches to contracts that develop the exchange of information. 

From the example given if you're going out for bids on the mall you can create a selection process where you bring in the team conditionally, you ask them what they feel about the design, give them another chance to explore the site, a chance to build up the cost so you get accurate information exchanged and at the same time it builds up trust and relation between the team. 

Get to know more about law and construction projects from the best Construction Lawyers in Melbourne.