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Emergency Medical Services At A Glance In Kenya

Tuesday , 6, October 2020 Comments Off on Emergency Medical Services At A Glance In Kenya

People who are admitted to the hospital usually receive emergency medical care. It is given to them in response to injury or illness, or when a qualified person feels a need for medical attention. Rescue team, ambulance, or service are the names these people use.

However, you call them, the main reason they are there is for immediate medical care or at least transportation to a place where assistance is available and you can be treated at a hospital, clinic, emergency room, or wherever the doctor is available. For more information about emergency medical services in Kenya, you can visit

emergency medical services

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The Good Samaritan mentioned in the Bible's New Testament is perhaps the earliest reference to emergency services. The ambulance is an initiative of the Knights of St. John in the Middle Ages.

Queen Isabella of Spain is said to have had an ambulance for wounded troops in 1487. Several countries have prepared their ambulances, taking into account the concern the Queen has shown the Spanish troops. There were major changes in the construction of ambulances in the late 18th and 19th centuries.

The horse-drawn carriage was designed by Dominic Larry so that troops could be served faster and did not perish during battle. From 1793 Napoleon began using this ambulance for his troops.

Ambulance requirements also change as their needs change. In the 19th century, a more modern ambulance style was developed.