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Home Inspections: What to Know About a Home Inspection

Monday , 29, November 2021 Comments Off on Home Inspections: What to Know About a Home Inspection

This is a really good and important question. Many home buyers (and even agents) do not know what a home inspector does. So let me clear the smoke now.

There are 3 aspects to every home inspection:

First – a home inspection is a visual, non-intrusive, and impartial attempt to ascertain the true physical condition of the home at the time of the inspection and during the day.

Second – a home inspection isn't really about the home inspector telling you what's wrong with the home, it's an exploration session for you to make sure you understand what you're looking for.

Buying so that you can decide whether it falls within your expectations and is a good fit for your situation. If you are looking for a home inspection service in San Antonio, TX online then you can visit Davidinspector or other similar resources.

You see, my job is to make sure that I align the reality of the house situation with your expectations. If I can do it successfully, I've done my job.

Third – Home inspection report. Reports are designed to summarize and express findings in a way that is clear, simple, complete, and easy to understand. If a home inspection is a snapshot in time of the condition of the home, the report itself is the photo, (and a good report will have lots of photos).

By nature, it can be seen, touched, and tested, which is especially applicable to vacant homes where a home inspector is forced to spy and do what they do best during the short time at home. You can find out everything you need to know (the good and bad) to make an educated decision about a home.

If your schedule allows, you should also be encouraged to take advantage of the rare opportunity to follow a professional home inspector around your home who will invite your questions, concerns, and provide important information and advice that will help you during your stay and maintain your home for years to come.