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Know Why Book Covers are Important

Saturday , 12, September 2020 Comments Off on Know Why Book Covers are Important

Book covers convey the first impressions of potential readers. Therefore, book cover design is one of the most important aspects of book marketing. 

If the coverage is not well designed, you lose sales. So you need to consider a professional book cover designer to create a book cover. You can also look for firewire creative to get the best idea about books covers.

Understand the Author:

If you understand the author of the script, your work is half done in designing the cover. You should sit down with the author of the script or contact him/her through email so that you have a better picture as what they want from you.

Understand the Reader:

You need to understand your audience because each book caters to a specific group of people. If this is a romantic novel then the reader is a fan of romantic novels.

Your cover should send the right message so that readers will be attracted to the script. The combination of fonts and graphics will grab readers' attention and invite them to buy.

The book cover tells a story of the book before the reader reads it. Whether you hire a script cover designer or do it yourself, always keep in mind these basic rules of script cover design.
