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Nassau County’s Squirrel Invasion: How to Safely and Humanely Remove Them

Monday , 15, April 2024 Comments Off on Nassau County’s Squirrel Invasion: How to Safely and Humanely Remove Them

Nassau County, located on Long Island in New York, has been experiencing a surge in squirrel populations in recent years. While these furry creatures may seem cute and harmless, they can actually cause a lot of damage if they decide to make your home their own. If you're facing a squirrel invasion in Nassau County, it's important to know how to safely and humanely remove them from your property.

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Understanding the Issue

Why Are Squirrels Invading Nassau County?

  • Loss of natural habitat due to urban development
  • Easy access to food sources in residential areas
  • Warmth and shelter provided by homes and buildings

Impact of Squirrel Infestations

  • Destruction of property (e.g., chewing wires, nesting in attics)
  • Carrying diseases that can be transmitted to humans and pets
  • Increased risk of fires due to gnawing on electrical wires

Safe and Humane Squirrel Removal Techniques

1. Identify Entry Points

Inspect your home for any openings that squirrels may be using to gain access. These can include vents, chimneys, roof edges, and gaps in siding.

2. Seal Off Entry Points

Once you've identified where the squirrels are entering, make sure to seal off these areas to prevent them from coming back. Use materials like wire mesh, steel wool, or caulk to block potential entry points.

3. Use Squirrel-Proofing Techniques

  • Trim tree branches that are close to your home to prevent squirrels from accessing your roof
  • Secure garbage cans with tight-fitting lids to eliminate a food source
  • Avoid feeding squirrels to discourage them from frequenting your property

4. Employ Humane Trapping Methods

If you have squirrels inside your home, consider using live traps to capture them safely. Once trapped, release the squirrels at least five miles away from your home in a wooded area.

5. Seek Professional Help

If the squirrel infestation is severe or if you're unsure of how to handle the situation, it's best to contact a professional wildlife removal service. They have the knowledge and experience to safely and humanely remove squirrels from your property.

Preventing Future Infestations

1. Maintain Your Property

  • Keep trees and shrubs trimmed away from your home
  • Regularly inspect and repair any damage to your roof, siding, or foundation
  • Store firewood away from your home and off the ground

2. Remove Attractants

  • Keep bird feeders out of reach of squirrels
  • Clean up fallen fruits and nuts from your yard
  • Properly dispose of trash and secure garbage cans

3. Use Repellents

Consider using squirrel repellents, such as predator urine or commercial products, to deter squirrels from entering your property.

4. Monitor Your Property

Regularly inspect your home for any signs of squirrel activity, such as droppings, chewed wires, or nesting materials. Address any issues promptly to prevent a full-blown infestation.


Dealing with a squirrel invasion in Nassau County can be a challenging task, but by following the tips outlined in this article, you can safely and humanely remove these critters from your property. Remember to identify and seal off entry points, employ trapping methods when necessary, and take steps to prevent future infestations. If you're unsure of how to handle the situation, don't hesitate to seek professional help. With the right approach, you can keep your home squirrel-free and protect your property from damage.