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Self Publishing – An Overview

Monday , 8, November 2021 Comments Off on Self Publishing – An Overview

Self-publishing a book is becoming more appealing today with all the incredible technology. No longer are people forced to put off their dreams or make them wait while they search for a publisher who will accept their book. There were many stories about how many publishers, how many attempts, and how many rejections it took for an author to get published.

I don't know if you have this same image, but I had it in my head that traditional publishers sat on a throne and decided the fate of the literary community. Going the traditional route was not something I considered when I started to publish my first book.  You might be asking, "Why?" Many talented authors have been empowered by the internet and social media platforms.

Without them, many of them would never have received even a rejection letter from a traditional publisher. Traditional publishers want authors with a large following and a distribution list that provides immediate ROI. Self publishing book offers many opportunities. It is possible to do everything yourself.

Image Source: Google

When you publish your work yourself you are responsible for the editing, formatting, securing distribution, communicating with the printer, and copyrighting it to name a few.

The other option is selecting a publisher that will handle all the previously mentioned items but allows you to remain in control. If you are a writer and perhaps run another business, the latter option would more than likely be the most beneficial for you.