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Serious Dental Problems By Thumb Sucking

Thursday , 17, September 2020 Comments Off on Serious Dental Problems By Thumb Sucking

After children reach infancy, thumb sucking usually stops. However, some older children replace it with other habits, such as Nail biting. If the behaviour continues in preschool, problems can arise with pacifier sucking and thumb sucking.

If the child does not drop out of exercise naturally, it can cause developmental problems, both in the mouth and with speech. There are many blogs on the internet that share ways to stop thumb sucking and avoid dental problems. To know how to avoid thumb sucking visit or you can also browse the internet for more.

Dental problems have the potential to suck up the thumb

Finger or thumb sucking can affect children in the mouth and jaw from the age of 2. Suction pressure exerted on the soft tissue of the roof of the child's palate as well as on the side of the maxilla.

In this case, the upper jaw may narrow, preventing the teeth from sticking properly when closing the jaw. It's about having expensive braces, but it does more than that.

Jaw contraction can also cause language problems such as blurring.

As the child grows, thumb sucking can create a gap between the upper and lower teeth. At this point, the jaw structure has changed and the tongue muscles may not be properly developed.