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Social Media And Small Business In Indonesia – How To Get Them Together?

Thursday , 8, October 2020 Comments Off on Social Media And Small Business In Indonesia – How To Get Them Together?

There was lots of hype recently about social media with increased expectations and tales of fantastic success.

It attracted the interest of many small trade owners that were looking forward to starting a business in Indonesia that was quick to bounce the bandwagon. To know about starting a business you can visit

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However, many are feeling frustrated with the results. Is this because social media is only a waste of time or because they misjudged its significance and potential?

The Ability of Social Media.

It is truly impressive. It may have an even bigger influence than many folks realize.

Consider these facts:

* Social Media is the #1 activity Online.

* Facebook additional 100 million users in less than 9 months. iPhone programs hit 1.1 billion in 9 months. If Facebook were a nation it would be the planet's 4th largest between the USA and Indonesia.

* The #2 biggest search engine on the planet is YouTube.Over 1.6 million pieces of content (links, news stories, blog articles, notes, photographs, etc.) are being shared on Facebook daily. The simple fact is social media is here to remain. Ignoring is just a useless exercise in futility.

So what can you do to make the most of it?

1. Adjust your expectations: You have just uploaded your video on social media platforms. Great! Now you are feeling ready to move into the light of publicity. Guess what? It won't happen so do not feel deceived and betrayed if your masterpiece does not attract millions of viewers.