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5 Things to Look For When Using a Facebook Messenger Bot

Friday , 15, January 2021 Comments Off on 5 Things to Look For When Using a Facebook Messenger Bot

A Facebook Messenger Bot is basically a chatbot that integrates within the official Facebook platform and enables users to communicate with the users through Messenger chat as it may relate to customer support, returns, questions, etc. Chatbots facilitate a seamless process of customer support requests and performs on an interactive chat platform, like Facebook Messenger. […]

What Is a Facebook Messenger Bot?

Friday , 6, March 2020 Comments Off on What Is a Facebook Messenger Bot?

Facebook Messenger Bots is making Facebook more fun and efficient by using existing Facebook technology. Your Facebook Messenger Bot is automatically sending you messages, though your use of the Facebook interface does not force the Messenger Bot to send you messages. It's just a personal choice, since messages sent through Facebook could appear as spam […]

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