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Tips on packing hiking gears

Thursday , 7, January 2021 Comments Off on Tips on packing hiking gears

A growing number of people now enjoy the easy, healthy fun of hiking. Hiking is a cheap, but healthy way to spend a holiday or a weekend. Experienced hikers will constantly tell you everything in detail when you pack hiking gear, particularly chairs and camping stoves. The ideal hiking gear, ideal hiking clothes, a properly […]

What are the benefits for using Hiking Poles?

Friday , 6, March 2020 Comments Off on What are the benefits for using Hiking Poles?

Why hiking poles are required in hiking is the first question that arises in the mind of a beginner. As far as safety is concerned, a pair of hiking poles helps you to prevent frequent fall downs on tough tracks, avoiding pains in the ankle, knee or back; and hiking poles provide the convenience in […]

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