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Tea Really Provide Health Benefits

Monday , 20, January 2020 Comments Off on Tea Really Provide Health Benefits

With so many different varieties of tea available, there can be confusion about the type you have to drink. Adding to the confusion, questions about the health benefits, if any, and you can be left scratching your head and wondering.

The health benefits of tea seem to vary with the type of tea and, of course, the amount consumed. In general, long research studies have confirmed that there are definite potential health benefits of tea to drink daily. You can visit Happy Tea to know more about the health benefits of tea.

All tea contains several antioxidants levels but not all forms are created equal. It has also been found that freshly brewed tea has more polyphenol antioxidants than instant. For the best health benefits, choose high-quality loose leaf teas.

The study of medicine at Harvard Medical School and the UCLA School of Medicine confirms that green tea can slow the spread of prostate cancer and esophageal cancer. A study at Oregon State University shows that green tea and white tea may help fight colon cancer.

There are many other medical studies that confirm the possible benefits of tea in the fight against leukemia and Alzheimer's disease. Other studies have focused on the potential benefits to lower "bad" cholesterol and protect against heart disease.

Without question, has the benefit of less caffeine than coffee. Many coffee drinkers complained of anxiety caffeine that can be easily solved by switching to tea.

Although medical research only confirms the potential of tea to protect against and fight against various types of cancer, the results have been encouraging. In essence, even the possibility of great health benefits has convinced me that tea brewed fresh every day is definitely worthwhile.