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The Smartest Kitchen Design Layout

Wednesday , 24, November 2021 Comments Off on The Smartest Kitchen Design Layout

Kitchen Project Planner Checklist

An experienced designer can save you time and money by heading off potential problems at the pass.

Kitchen planners know all the tricks: how to maximize storage, smart substitutions for high-end materials, even you can hire the best local contractors from Complete Renovation for the job. But first, they need a few things from you.

1. An architectural rendering or to-scale drawing of your existing kitchen, showing the location of windows, doors, heating, plumbing lines, and electrical outlets.

If you're not working with an architect, you can do it yourself with 3-D kitchen design software.

2. A detailed wish list indicating your goals for remodeling. Do you want more space? More storage? More style? A built-in dog bed? Organize it by priority, from the "must-haves" to the "in our dreams."

3. An idea folder: pictures of rooms, products, materials, and architectural details that appeal to you; notes on what you like about friends' kitchens and general concepts translated from other areas of your life.

Best Layouts for Busy Kitchens

The kitchen triangle — that three-sided connection between the stove, sink, and refrigerator — is practically sacrosanct in kitchen design manuals. But in today's family kitchens, often one triangle isn't enough.

Kitchen remodeling is at the top of homeowners' wish lists. It is also, according to attorneys general across the country, a leading source of consumer complaints. Recommendations from friends are the best place to start your search for a qualified contractor.