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Translating An English Survey To French, Chinese And Other Languages

Wednesday , 18, May 2022 Comments Off on Translating An English Survey To French, Chinese And Other Languages

Translating English surveys into French, Mandarin, Spanish and other widely spoken languages is a difficult task, but one that must be completed in most studies today. Globalization, the internet, the growing popularity of travel and migration, and other similar events make translation not only an option but a necessity. You can also take help from a Chinese translation firm from online sources.

Translating surveys from English to another language is a complex task. Language involves not only words, but various factors including culture and specific contexts, among others, and the survey should obtain clear answers from respondents with as few errors as possible. Today, you can choose to have your survey translated by a certified translator or by using a special software program.

When translating the survey manually, the translator is guided by the socio-demographic profile of the target population, research tools, and the location where the research is being conducted. Translators will also receive instructions on further details regarding the research language. For example, you need to know how well they understand the language the respondent will use. Knowledge of a particular language doesn't mean you can read or write the same language, so it's important to know the tone and style of language used when translating surveys.

Translators should also review survey materials in their original language to identify any elements or concepts that could create translation problems. If this is the case, items at risk of losing translation should be discussed with survey users. The surveys will then be translated into French, Spanish, Chinese and other target languages once they are completed.