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Understanding the Placement of Dental Crowns

Wednesday , 15, January 2020 Comments Off on Understanding the Placement of Dental Crowns

A dental crown is considered a cosmetic dental procedure. They are often used to protect weak teeth from further damage. For example, cracked or broken teeth can break down further without the protection of a dental crown. In the case of cosmetic surgery, the dental crowns can be used to hide the appearance of discolored teeth and disability.

In all probity, your smile is the first thing people notice. Therefore, you want your smile to be beautiful. Crown placement usually involves more than one professional. A prosthodontist makes a crown for you and an oral surgeon places the crown.

Before receiving a dental crown, you need to understand who is a good candidate and who is not. If you suffer from any form of periodontal disease, the crown is not the answer. The crown will not stop the spread of periodontal disease. Therefore, your dentist will usually not recommend a crown if you have mouth disease.

It is not recommended that you get a crown if you are currently going through radiation therapy that occurs around the head or neck. Make sure that you go through with a full dental examination so the dentist can determine whether the placement of the crown is right for you.