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What is Digital Marketing?

Friday , 13, December 2019 Comments Off on What is Digital Marketing?


The platform that allows companies for promoting their business and service digitally is called as digital marketing. Today, digital marketing is everywhere from shopping online for a particular product to watching a video online. Moreover, companies are looking to hire digital marketing professionals due to high in demand. Let’s focus on some of the tools of digital marketing.

  1. SEO –Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the most popular and important tool of digital marketing. Whenever a customer or consumer wishes to obtain information, SEO allows a website to rank on top of the search result.
  2. Email Marketing – After SEO is email marketing which is the second most popular tool of digital marketing. The way email marketing is by sending information, notification, deals and discounts on the email address of a customer.
  3. Content – In the world of digital marketing, content plays a huge role. Content acts as a blog or website by offering information to consumers related to anything on the internet. The blog or website needs to be engaging in order for the consumer to stay connected with the website. Of the content is not engaging, then the consumer will only go to another website (competitor).
  4. PPC Advertising – When a company wishes to advertise about their product or service, then PPC or Pay-Per-Click advertising allows them to do just that. The advertisements can be posted online on social media platforms such as the likes of Facebook, Twitter etc. Moreover, this type of advertising is way more-cheaper when compared to organic advertising.

Every digital marketing company should know all these tools.