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What to Expect from First Spa Service?

Saturday , 12, September 2020 Comments Off on What to Expect from First Spa Service?

Many people are very anxious at their first spa visit. Modesty is often the culprit as people are generally concerned with disrobing in front of strangers. However, a visit to the spa is meant to be a relaxing experience, and you will not get the full spa experience if you stay too nervous. The Mokni’s Palais Hotel & SPA is one of the most famous and best service, you can choose according to the requirement.

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This article discusses what you should expect in your first spa visit, as well as tips on spa etiquette:

Making and Keeping Your Appointment

When you call to make your appointment, tell the receptionist that it was the first spa visit you. They can make a note to those who will receive you during your visit. Arrive for your appointment at least fifteen minutes early and reminded the receptionist again that this is your first time in the spa. They must do everything possible to make you feel comfortable.

Choosing Your Service

Once you arrive for your appointment, you will be given a key to a locker. robe and slippers will be in the locker. If you have time after you turn, make the short trip to the sauna or hot tub to help yourself relax. However, if you choose to take advantage of the hot tub, you have to shower off the chlorine before a massage.