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What You Must Know About PAT Testing

Monday , 21, March 2022 Comments Off on What You Must Know About PAT Testing

The Health and Safety Executive in the UK states that electrical appliances should be maintained to ensure that they are safe and pose no risk of injury to the persons using them. The only real way to comply with the various pieces of legislation is known as Pat Testing, it is an important part of any health and safety policy within the workplace. You can contact us for PAT testing services.

With over twenty five percent of reported accidents which involve electrical equipment ending in a fatality, statistics show that in situations where PAT testing does not take place, electrical equipment has failed to be correctly maintained. 

Additionally, incidents of fire frequently start by electrical appliances either not being kept in good condition or by equipment being used for purposes other than intended or by being stored in unsuitable conditions.

The level to which the equipment has to have PAT Testing performed, depends on the type of appliance, the nature and location in which it is used and the likelihood of it becoming faulty. 

The Health and Safety at Work Act places a legal obligation on employers and the self-employed in situations where electrical appliances are used by employees in the workplace. This also applies to such places where repairs or services of equipment are carried out.