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Why Are Bamboo Straws the Best Choice?

Wednesday , 9, March 2022 Comments Off on Why Are Bamboo Straws the Best Choice?

Bamboo is one of the most renewable, sustainable, and eco-friendly materials available. When a company first invented paper straws in the 1800s, it seemed like an eco-friendly decision. However, it has now been proven that paper straws are not helping the environment as much as you would think. This article dives into why buying bamboo straws for your business through Eco Wholesale is better.

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What are Bamboo Straws?

Bamboo straws are made from bamboo grass. The straws are designed to be eco-friendly and super easy to clean. They are a revolutionary alternative to plastic straws and they are perfect for people who want a more sustainable lifestyle.

Benefits of Bamboo Straws over Plastic

Plastic straws are bad for the environment. Bamboo straws can be composted, helping reduce CO2 emissions. They are durable and don't easily break, so they won't pollute the ocean if someone drops them in them. They also don't absorb and retain odors as plastic straws do. Finally, bamboo is a renewable resource since it grows back very quickly after being harvested.

Tips to help you make the transition away from plastic

Plastic is never really a good idea for clean water, but there are many other reasons to switch over to bamboo straws. These straws are more eco-friendly and sustainable than plastic ones because they are made from 100% renewable resources, biodegradable, and compostable. Plus, when you use them, you're reducing negative impacts on the environment. For all these reasons and more, bamboo straws might be the best choice for you.